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Getting that next project organised ready for hand piecing 🤓🧵🪡. This one has been around for a few years now,but never got hidden from sight in a cupboard so it had a better chance of getting finished than most 🤣. I’m pleasantly surprised to see I have enough blocks to set in an organised fashion as I don’t think there was a lot of logic to the initial sewing, or counting of pieces with a plan in mind. So onwards and although the blocks were machine pieced, I’m hand piecing them together as it’s what I need right now ☺️. #hexagons #hexagonquilt #onepatch #onepatchquilt #scrapquilt #quiltinprogress #quiltplanning #handpiecing #carolynforsterquilts #carolynforster
Down to stitching the last few blocks of this quilt. I know it’s not over yet, as there is the layering and basting, the quilting and binding yet to come, but I will feel sad when this one is over. Anyone else feel sad ( bereft 😂) when a hand piecing project comes to an end? Yes I know I have other stitching and a new hand pieced project in the wings, but I do love stitching this one ☺️🧵🪡. #patchwork #quiltinprogress #handpiecing #handpieced #handstitching #handstitched #thehandstitchedquilt #handpiecedpatchwork #carolynforster #carolynforsterquilts #slowstitch #mindfullsewing
I’m nearly finished piecing this quilt top. In all honesty I’ve got parts of eight more blocks to sew, and although this is not at the quilting stage yet, in my mind this is nearly finished 😂. And that means other projects start bubbling to the top. Do I finish something long languishing or do I see what inspires me afresh 🤔. This quilt was inspired by the Catherall quilt in the collection of @thequiltersguild . As many of you know old quilts in books and museums are often my starting point! Nothing new here really just old quilts that have been tweaked 🤓🧵🪡. #patchwork #quiltinprogress #quiltingonthego #handpieced #handpiecing #handstutched #handstitching #qgbi #carolynforster #carolynforsterquilts #libertyquiltingcotton #libertytanalawn #scrapquilt #libertyfabric
When it’s been a WIP for so long you think you’ll completely rework the setting options 🤷‍♀️. #quiltinprogress #workingprogress #appliqué #handappliqué #carolynforster #slowstitching #slowstitch #carolynforsterquilts #quiltingonthego
So who wants to look through some of the samples that were stitched for my new book? There are twenty one patch templates, so that means twenty separate samples 😆. Some of them went into the quilt that is in the book, and these are going into another quilt to be made QAYG (if you’ve got my QAYG book then you’ll have loads of ideas!) top hint, the quilt in the book can be stitched QAYG too 🤓🧵🪡. 
Fancy winning a copy of this book which is not out until April, AND my QAYG book ? Then comment below and tag a friend, making sure you have a public account and follow me and @searchpress too! I’ll be drawing a winner on Wednesday. #patchwork #quiltbook #onepatchquilt #scrapquilt #searchpress #makeaquilt #sewsomepatchwork #carolynforster #carolynforsterquilts #quiltasyougo #quiltingonthego #qayg
Sharing an oldie but a goodie, who doesn’t love a scrappy quilt ? #patchwork #quilt #patchworkquilt #quiltblock #usewhayouhave #wastenotwantnot #sustainablesewing #carolynforster #carolynforsterquilts
If you fancy a day of stitching and stash busting your scraps then there’s still time to join me at @ladysewandsewhenley on 17th February 🧵🪡😃. We will be stitching and exploring all the possibilities of my Japanese Stars and Lantern pattern (which is included in the price 😃). So bring your scraps and stitch this classic string quilt! #stringquilt #stringquilts #stashbusting #sustainablesewing #wastenotwantnot #patchwork #patchworkquilt #carolynforster #carolynforsterquilts
Shout out to everyone who is coming with me to explore Big Stitch quilting in Scarborough in May! So looking forward to our deep dive into Japanese Zokin and wrapping cloths! There’s still time to book if you want to have a lovely hand stitching weekend @stitchtopiauk . Examples here are from @blueandwhite_japan , so much lovely inspiration there! #handstitching #bigstitchquilting #mindfulstitching #slowstitching #wastenotwantnot #sustainability #sustainablequilting #sustainablesewing #bigstitch #handstitched #carolynforster #carolynforsterquilts #stitchtopiauk
I’m so excited just about sums it up @searchpress 😆. My newest book , a lovely version of One Patch Quilts comes out in the Spring, and I got to see my first copy! The quilt I designed for the book is one of my absolute favourites! There will be more sneak peeks next week, so keep a look out! #searchpress @searchpress_na #onepatchquilt #mosaicpatchwork #onepatchquilts #qayg #quiltingonthego #scrapquilts #sewyourstash #sustainablesewing #carolynforster #carolynforsterquilts
Is it just me or are there times when you really don’t know which you love more, the front or the back 🤣🤣🧵🪡. #patchwork #handstitched #onepatch #onepatchquilt #handpiecedpatchwork #handpiecing #slowstitch #thehandstitchquilt #carolynforster #carolynforsterquilts
I’ve had some questions about the #chickenscratchembroidery that pops up here every so often, and in my classes when appropriate 🤓. If you click over to my home page here and look in my stories, you can see all the tutorials from the sew-along that I did last year! So if you want to dip in all the information to start you off is there! #handstitching #depressionlace #broderiesuisse #ginghamembroidery #carolynforster #carolynforsterquilts
Popping up here although I’ve very little to show: lots of ideas and planning of future projects, and everything current at the secret sewing type stage. Oh, and process shots 🤓. And did you see my red work in my stories. I can’t believe it was this time last year I was having a moment with that, and here it is again, but in a new project. So many projects on the simmer 😂🧵🪡. #handstitching #handstitched #chickenscratchembroidery #carolynforster #carolynforsterquilts #bigstitchquilting #handquilting
So much fun kicking off the #quiltingonthegosewalong2025 this week, I couldn’t resist looking ahead to all the great blocks we will be stitching 🧵🪡😍. Thanks to @yotawillis for hosting 🙏. The blocks are in my book Hand stitched Quilts from @searchpress . #handpiecing #handpiecedpatchwork #handstitching #searchpress #carolynforster #carolynforsterquilts
A sneak peek from @longarmquilterchris of a quilt I have in a book coming out this year 2025 😆 @searchpress . Here’s to another year of stitching, friends and quilts! #patchwork #patchworkquilt #longarmquilterchris #samplerquilt #onepatch #onepatchquilt #scrapquilt #carolynforster #carolynforsterquilts